The Unofficial website for Tony Robinson


Added 7th August, 2007

Dear All
A few bits of info about what I’m currently doing.

My recent Cunning Night Out sell out tour is being released on DVD by Acorn Media UK on 5th November.
For those of you who didn't see my one man show it is a roller-coaster ride through the many twists and turns of my life from the early days on stage as the Artful Dodger to my recent successes, up to my knees in mud with Time Team and up to my armpits in wee for Worst Jobs in History.
You can visit Acorn Media's website for more details or to pre-order the DVD.

At last we’ve finally completed the second Codex series.
At the moment it’s scheduled to start transmission on the first Saturday in September.

It’s much better than the first series, it’s shorter, tighter, faster and funnier and the contestants are very bright!
It’s a bit like a modern day University Challenge about “old stuff.”

I’m halfway through filming a series about the the history of British law.
We’ve completed the two middle episodes dealing with the Normans and the Tudors.
In the autumn we film the Romans and the Victorians.
It’s very informative but slightly bizarre and I suspect people will either love it or be very hacked off by it!

Time Team’s well under way.
We’ve done nine episodes of the current series already!
In fact, while I’m writing this I‘m in bed in Market Harborough after a hard day’s work helping to discover an Anglo Saxon grub hut.
We’re also making four Time Team documentaries about a variety of different subjects - Iron Age Hillforts, The Theft of Antiquities, The Round Table and the major excavations that are under way in Liverpool for 2008.

Channel 4 have got some extraordinary plans for me next year but I’m not allowed to say anything about them because I’m currently involved in negotiations for a new three year contract.

Hopefully everything will go swimmingly and I’ll be offered a sack load of money, ten weeks holiday a year and a Japanese Masseuse!

On the other hand, of course, if the negotiations collapse there will be no more Time Team and I’ll be stoned to death by angry fans!!
Best wishes


Message Archive:
April 2007
November 2006
July 2006
March 2006
December 2005
October 2005
May 2005

Click on a link below to see Tony's latest video message filmed recently on one
of the documentary locations.
Follow the link that best suits your connection speed.
You will need Quicktime to view this.

Available free from Apple.

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ISDN / Low Broadband
