The Unofficial Website for Tony Robinson

Time Team: Series 17, 2010 - Click on the links below for the different programmes.
Corridors of Power - Westminster Abbey
A Saintly Site - Baliscate, Isle of Mull
Bridge over the River Tees - Piercebridge
Halls of a Saxon King - Sutton Courtenay
Massacre in the Cellar - Hopton Castle
Potted History - Cunetio
Death & Dominoes - Norman Cross
Something for the Weekend - Tregruk Castle
Priory Engagement - Burford
Governor's Green - Portsmouth
There's a Villa here somewhere.. - Litlington
Commanding Heights - Dinmore Hill
Rooting for the Romans - Bedford Purlieus

Priory Engagement - Burford

This week Tony and the Team visit the Oxfordshire town of Burford to respond to a challenge from Professor Mick Aston.

Here, they investigate the remains of a medieval hospital in the grounds of Burford Priory, where Mick also found evidence of a lost Anglo-Saxon settlement.

Over the three days, the Team attempts to unearth the history of both the hospital and the earlier Saxon community, and the subsequent discoveries look set to redraw the historical map of the area

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