Nation: Corgi Audio 2008: ISBN 9781846576942

On the day the world ends…Mau is on his way home from the Boys Island. Soon he will be a man. And then the wave comes- a huge wave, dragging black night behind it and bringing a schooner, the Sweet Judy which sails over and through the island rainforest. As the ship comes to a crashing halt, only one soul is left alive (or two, if you count parrots). The village has gone. The Nation as it was has gone. Now there’s just Mau, who wears barely anything, a trouserman girl who wears far too much, and an awful lot of big misunderstandings. And a lot of not-knowing-what-to-do. Or how to even say that. Together they must forge a new Nation out of the broken pieces. Create a new history.


…the old history isn’t going to just lie down and go away, at least not while the Grandfathers still have a voice. And Mau must look into the past before he can face the future.

Wise, witty and filled with Terry’s Pratchett’s inimitable comic satire, this is a terrific adventure that- quite literally- turns the world upside down.